
Monday, January 9, 2012

Back in ACTION!

So excited to be back in action with the kids! We had a very busy day filled with lots of learning. 

Today we wrote our math goal for the week. The main objective for the week is to Represent numbers higher than 10 by showing, reading, and writing two digit numbers. Students chose just one goal. Most chose to be able to show two digit numbers, but after writing our goals students modeled two digit numbers by using base ten blocks. We talked about how many tens and ones were in each number. 

In spelling, students came up with and wrote words that begin with -str on a chart . Students came up with 5 of their own words and I gave them 5 challenge words. These will come home tomorrow to start studying for Friday's test. 
In writing, we are using more action words in our writing. Today we made our "action heroes". 
I will post pictures of objectives and writing asap.

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